Kevin Kulot

where to find me.

@ GitHub icon github 📌 magdeburg, germany


  • BSc. Computational Visualistics (OvGU Magdeburg) Oct 2019 - Present

    With a special focus on computer graphics and visualization.

  • Abitur (equiv. A-levels) Aug 2011 - July 2019

    Advanced courses: English and Physics. Grade: 1.8 (GPA: 3.2).


  • HiWi assisting with automatic robot pathfinding @
    Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems (FIN, OvGU).
    Jan 2023 - June 2023

    • Assisted with writing an automatic robot arm pathfinding library using C++, additional tools: vcpkg.
  • TA for the course “Introduction to CS” @
    Institute for Simulation & Graphics (FIN, OvGU).
    Oct 2022 - Dec 2022

    • Held weekly tutorial sessions and reviewed students’ code.
  • TA for the course “Programming Paradigms” @
    Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems (FIN, OvGU).
    April 2022 - Sep 2022

    • Held and prepared weekly exercise lessons with various programming languages.
  • HiWi assisting with ray-tracing simulations @
    Institute for Simulation & Graphics (FIN, OvGU).
    May 2021 - Jan 2022

    • Assisted with physically-based ray-tracing simulations using pbrt to examine heat transfer and heat propagation.
    • Gained experience using Python scripts for cluster simulation.


See Showcase!